On Friday May 12, cyber hackers initiated an attack known as “WannaCry” that impacted and affected countless nations throughout the world. WannaCry devastated many computers using...
With the successful launch of the ballistic missile system that occurred yesterday, May 14, North Korea celebrates this feat, calling it a “perfect weapon system”. Launched...
It was early this Sunday morning when North Korea launched an “intermediate-range ballistic missile,” flying 430 miles before landing in the sea. Some may observe this...
As relations between the United States and North Korea have always been on the edge, circumstances seem to have taken a turn when a North Korean...
As war ravages throughout the Middle East, the United States and Kurdish-led Syrian forces continue to push for victory against the Islamic State (IS), fighting to...
What this election has meant to millions of Americans is the falling of America to demagoguery and populism. Trump has won based on the prejudices of...
Elections are always a controversial, if not eventful time for the public, especially those who feel conflicted on what party and candidate to support. This struggle...
Donald Trump has been making national headlines for his radical and outrageous comments on a near daily basis. The candidate has been causing quite the controversy...
Creating a bogeyman that embodies all beliefs opposite of one’s own is not just peculiar to the American collective conscious, it is prominent in the global...
All were included at the Democratic National Convention: individuals with disabilities, individuals with mental illnesses, children of undocumented immigrants, minorities, Bernie Sanders supporters, Bill Clinton supporters...