Three versions and fifteen months later, President Trump’s long-promised travel ban faces scrutiny and questioning from the Supreme Court. President Trump’s travel ban is facing a...
Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui.
Former President Ricardo Martinelli of Panama was taken into custody by United States officials on Monday night in his home, near Miami. This raises the issue...
Possibly Trump’s most well-known promise during his campaign was to place a ban on Muslims. Since the election, his promise has changed since you cannot bar...
The question has been heavily debated since the 1970s with the emergence of President Nixon’s Watergate scandal; can a sitting president be criminally prosecuted? While the...
In a victory for the pro-choice movement, the Supreme Court voted 5-3 to overturn a controversial Texas law that would have shut down most of the...
On May 27th, the Supreme Court of Iowa decreed that there will be no more life-long prison sentences without the chance of parole for minors convicted...
Scott Walker, Wisconsin governor and presidential hopeful, signed two new laws on Wednesday that would remove certain firearm restrictions. Most notably, the state will no longer...