White Supremacists Respond Angrily To Google Veterans’ Day Home Page



Google, the iconic search engine that is nearly synonymous with information and learning, is known for its ever-changing home page. The face of the site changes based upon the significance of the day; for example, there are Doodles on holidays, anniversaries of historic events, and anniversaries of births or deaths of iconic figures.

This Veterans’ Day, the Google home page was decorated accordingly. The illustrated faces of smiling veterans of all races rested above the search bar. White supremacists were outraged by the show of blatant cultural diversity. A White nationalist webpage,, announced in the wake of the Doodle that they would be boycotting the search engine due to its “blatant support [of] multiculturalism, diversity, and white genocide.”

The website, in its fit of rage, claimed that none of the featured veterans were white (which, in their eyes, was simply unacceptable). This is simply untrue; though it is difficult to assume based upon a drawing, there were multiple light-skinned heroes being honored through the tribute. A user of the website, who claimed to be a veteran himself, said, “Whites have overwhelmingly staffed, run, fought and died in America’s wars … Google would rather remind us how all that was for nothing because the west is now a n***** worshipping multikult anti-white cesspit.”

Some users took their jabs at Google a step further, and credited the image to a co-founder of the iconic search image, Sergey Brin (who happens to be Jewish). These supremacists claimed, “you can’t expect much else from Joogle,” and fell in line with the others pledging their boycott. They cried out, “It doesn’t matter that the military is comprised mostly of white men, the Jews over at Google don’t seem to care.”

With these outspoken white supremacist groups, it seems that there is no appeasement. They will find nearly anything to be angry about, and will respond with ire and disdain to anything vaguely unsatisfying. For example, they responded angrily to a Christmas Doodle – Christmas, the holiday of joy and good will – due to a depiction of a woman in a sleigh with children of multiple nationalities.

Here’s hoping the users of relish their boycott from Google, and that they enjoy their time with lesser search engines.

Featured Image via Google

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