White House Advisor Leaves Open the Possibility to Block Comey’s Testimony



White House Advisor, Kellyanne Conway, has left open the possibility that current President Trump could prevent James Comey from testifying by invoking his ‘executive principle’.

The former Republican Party campaign manager, strategist, and pollster, predicts that Comey’s testimony before the Senate next week will be a “clarifying moment”. The president has been trying to push his way through the recent controversy surrounding the FBI’s investigation into the possible relationship between his campaign and Russian officials.

Conway addressed the issue recently on “Good Morning America”, claiming that she will not rule out Trump trying to block Comey’s testimony. Last month, Trump shocked the world when he abruptly fired the former FBI director. The president later admitted that he had done so with the ongoing investigation in mind. In the time following this decision, many sources have urged that kept detailed memos of his meetings with the president, in which some allegedly included Trump’s efforts to get the FBI halt their investigation of Micheal Flynn, the former national security advisor.

Comey has not yet made a statement regarding the loss of his position, aside from his brief farewell letter to his colleagues. Reports of his thoughts and feelings towards the president have widely been expressed by associates to media outlets and close friends.

The testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee next Thursday will focus on the memos between Trump and Comey, as well as other interactions between the two. Conway told George Stephanopoulos, ABC anchor, that “we’ll be watching with the rest of the world” when Comey testifies. However, she also questioned Comey’s credibility, addressing the former directors last testimony to Congress, which later had to be corrected. Last month, the FBI had to clarify how classified information made it’s way onto the estranged husband of Hilary Clinton’s top advisor Huma Abedin, controversial former representative Anthony Weiner.

When Conway was asked directly whether or not Trump would use ‘executive privilege’ to block Comey’s testimony, she said that, “the president will make that decision.”

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