Trump Implements Sanctions on Russia In Response to Chemical Attacks in Syria
With the imposition of the sanctions against Russia, Trump has claimed that success has been achieved, while many questions whether that statement has come too early.
On Monday President Trump announced his decision to implement new sanctions against Russia. This decision was a response to Russia’s violence and involvement in using the chemical weapons in the Syrian civil war.
The attack of chemical weapons in Syria that took place last week has invoked great anger and discontentment from the United States, and these new sanctions serve as a warning to not only President Bashar al-Assad but also his allies and patrons, Russia and Iran.
This stance against Russia is reciprocated by many other nations, specifically President Emmanuel Macron of France and Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain. Mr. Macron said in an interview that “we have convinced him that it is necessary to stay for the long term”, indicating that he was a part of the reason why Mr. Trump decided to continue to leave a small group of ground force in Syria, contrary to Mr. Trump’s previous statement that he would be withdrawing all American troops from Syria.
However, this statement was not backed by American officials, who instead said that American troops that are still in Syria would not be channeled to fight in the civil war, but solely focusing on fighting against the Islamic state. The troops are still withdrawing from Syria, but in a span of five to six months, as the result of a negotiation between President Trump and his advisers.
The White House press secretary commented that “The U.S. mission has not changed – the president has been clear that he wants U.S. forces to come home as quickly as possible.” She further remarked that the United States is determined to overcome remaining ISIS forces in Syria.
This sanction also marks a significant twist in the relationship between Moscow and Washington. First of all, Mr. Trump’s election was filled with rumors regarding the involvement with Russia to tamper with polls, and secondly, President Trump has persistently tried to adopt friendly relation with President Vladimir V. Putin. This diplomatic decision, following the expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats and intelligence officers and the shutdown of Seattle’s Russian Consulate. In response, Russia too has expelled 60 American diplomats and closed down the American Consulate in St. Petersburg.
While France and Britain similarly expressed anger towards Russia’s involvement in approving the chemical weapon attacks in Syria, they also shared the American sentiment that they do not want to become too involved in the Syrian civil war.
While Trump has received great applause and approval from his supporters for speaking out and releasing the sanction against Russian aggression, many also noted that he should not overstepping his authority as president and attempt to initiate a war without the permission of Congress. Senator Angus King of Maine commented during an interview on CNN that “saying that [the operation] has been a success, we won’t know until we see whether the regime continues to use chemical weapons.”
Even though President Trump’s advisers have claimed that the mission of deterring further chemical weapon attacks have been achieved with the release of this sanction, it is still unclear to many whether this measure will be indeed effective in preventing Russia from further aggression and violence.
Overall, however, this measure did receive a warm reception from many, even from those who had been generally skeptical and critical towards the decisions of the Trump administration.
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