
Ted Cruz vs Rand Paul



Ted Cruz attacked his fellow Republican senator and likely presidential rival Rand Paul on Thursday for refusing to vote for the National Security Agency reform bill, saying he was “dismayed” that the legislation never advanced last year. Cruz attacked Rand Paul as part of the problem when it came to The NSA legislation not passing.
Some say that Cruz is legitimately angry at Senator Paul. Others however believe that Senator Cruz is trying to set differences between himself and Rand Paul , so that Republican primary voters will flock to Cruz instead of Paul . Either way this is a clear indication that the 2016 Republican primary is under way.
Cruz on Thursday, trying to defend his own record on civil liberties, said Paul “is a good friend” but argued that Kentucky Republican stalled NSA reform efforts.The first term senator from Texas made his comments on the second day of his first trip to Iowa since declaring his presidential run last week.
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul is likely to announce his intentions to seek the presidency of The United States in the next week or two . If and when this does happen , Rand Paul would only be the second major party member to announce their run , Cruz being the first . Hillary Clinton is also expected to make her announcement soon , she has already made it clear she wants her campaign headquarters to be in Brooklyn, New York.
Just hours after Cruz announced his presidential bid last week in Virginia, Paul argued on Fox News that he was more electable than Cruz in a general election against Hillary Clinton. Paul also went on too say that he has a much better track record on bipartisanship then Ted Cruz . Paul cited his recent work with New Jersey Democrat Cory Booker on drug reform. These two men may very well be at the top of the pack but they still trail Hillary Clinton by a hefty margin.

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