OP;ED Fight Like Hell



What this election has meant to millions of Americans is the falling of America to demagoguery and populism. Trump has won based on the prejudices of the people, and not by having any real policy points aside from ones that endanger the lives of millions in this country, and abroad. He wants to create a registry of Muslims solely based on their religion, he wants to increase our nuclear arms capabilities, he wants to deport millions of people who have been living in this country for years, and are essential to the function of our economy.

What his supporters may not realize is that those who are protesting and looking for every possible way to bring him down is not because we are “sore losers” or “cry babies” but because he represents a very real threat to our very way of life. Those groups who have been marginalized for centuries, people of color, LGBTQ+, immigrants, etc., have been subjected to hate emboldened by his very acts. He has openly defamed many. Including a disabled reporter, bragged about sexually assaulting women, and promised “consequences” against those who defame him in the press. He has numerous conflicts of interests, not to mention questionable ties to the Russian government, a hostile power, who manipulated our election. He is shaping up to be the very definition of a tyrannical leader.

What our system has done is handed someone without restraint the keys to the most powerful army in the world. The largest nuclear weapons stockpile. The ability to create executive orders, ones like executive order 9066, which put millions of Japanese-Americans into internment solely on the basis of their ethnic background.

Trump represents a very threat to our way of life. He has appointed the richest, most-inexperienced cabinet in history. Who each have grudges against the very departments they are tasked to head. His cabinet has a combined wealth of $17 billion. If you thought Trump was going to “drain the swamp”, you could not have been more wrong. Here’s a report on Trump’s transition from Eric Lipton of the New York Times:

“President-elect Donald J. Trump, who campaigned against the corrupt power of special interests, is filling his transition team with some of the very sorts of people who he has complained have too much clout in Washington: corporate consultants and lobbyists…

Mr. Trump was swept to power in large part by white working-class voters who responded to his vow to restore the voices of forgotten people, ones drowned out by big business and Wall Street. But in his transition to power, some of the most prominent voices will be those of advisers who come from the same industries for which they are being asked to help set the regulatory groundwork.”

People hold signs as they listen to speakers at a protest against the election of President-elect Donald Trump, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016, in downtown Seattle. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

If we truly want to fight Trump we need to see a movement, the likes of which we have never seen. He represents a very clear and present danger to millions of Americans by way of his policy agendas. Just a simple demonstration will not be enough to bring him down. But a mobilization of the populace, the likes we have never seen. Make his rule unpopular and difficult. Impose on your elected officials to oppose his policy and cabinet picks. At every step. Obstruct. Obstruct. Obstruct. Our very way of life is in danger. So this very much affects you. Whether you want to believe it or not. Bad news doesn’t cease to exist if you ignore it. Sticking your head in the sand doesn’t prevent the storm from coming, it just makes you the last to know.

Your Members of Congress still represent you. They have to listen to you. Make your voice heard. Call them, email them. These are steps that are easy to take but have such a strong impact. Make sure they know your feelings on every issue, and if they betray us, let them know that this will not stand.

I implore you to take action if you seek progress and the maintenance of civil rights for all Americans.

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