Obama Claims he is Ready to Play some “Offensive”



Abraham Lincoln once said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand,” and that is certainly the case as President Obama plans on counteracting the strong G.O.P Congress.

The president met in secrecy with democratic senators this Thursday to discuss his plan to continue to “play offense” against the house. The President’s covert meeting took place in Baltimore, while Republican senators were meeting in Hershey, PA.

With the republicans running both the House of the Representatives and the Senate, this could be the president’s attempt at making sure his legacy is not known as being a lame duck, who was unable to make a difference.

Obama has not been one to veto bills since his election and reelection, since the 114th Congress met last week the president has issued several veto threats, which would reject any proposals, the G.O.P. hopes to accomplish.

Among the legislations include the Republicans plans to build the Keystone XL pipeline that operates within Canada and America, as well as other proposals that would impose additional Iran sanctions.

Republicans were quick to respond to the president’s plan, and a republican senator told the Daily Mail that, “If Obama wants a fight he’s come to the right place. ‘We’re going to pass Keystone, Then we’re going to hammer Iran with new sanctions. We might even block him from closing Guantanamo.” The senator then proclaimed, “At the end of the day, if the president wants to veto those and a half-dozen other things, he’s welcome to go down in history as the worst president since Herbert Hoover.”

Meanwhile, John Boehner, the republican house speaker who has been facing his own problems after a man threaten to kill him, stated that the meeting held earlier in the week by both parties was a “nice” and “polite” conversation. He then went on to say, “I’m the guy born with the glass half-full. And I believe hope springs eternal. The American people want us to find a way to address their concerns. That was the big message out of the elections. You hear it from our members on both sides of the Capitol. I’m hoping the president heard the same message.”

Americans want a government they can trust, this pettiness, which is essentially what is, is only causing problems for the future of this nation. Obama is ready to veto every bill the Congress is ready to throw, so what if he veto’s something that could be quint essential for the nations growth. The President will most likely review each new legislation and way the pros and cons, but from the way he is sounding, he is ready to just say no.


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