NAACP is Insulted By Comments Made by Trump



Donald Trump has been making national headlines for his radical and outrageous comments on a near daily basis. The candidate has been causing quite the controversy since his campaign for the presidency began, and it looks as if more people have decided to call Trump on his somewhat prejudiced remarks. CNN reports that the president of the NAACP has released statements confronting Trump on his insulting comments.

The news of the organization’s reaction to Trump’s latest comments came on Tuesday. CNN is reporting that Trump said the African American community of the United States is in their worst ever state. Trump said the following at a rally in North Carolina.

“We are going to rebuild out inner cities because our African-American communities are absolutely in the worst shape that they’ve ever been in before. Ever. Ever. Ever,”

CNN is also reporting that Trump made these statements to a nearly all-white crowd that went to this particular rally. The audience that Trump has been catering to mixed with these statements and ones made about other races in the past has many continuing to believe that Trump is a ‘bigot’ who supports racist ideologies and unconstitutional behaviors.

NAACP President Cornell William Brooks responded to the statement. CNN is also reporting that Brooks feels the statements were “an insulting degree of ignorance and/or insensitivity.” Brooks and others from the organization are also encouraging Brooks to look at the strides the African American community has made and the contributions that have given to modern society in spite of practices like slavery, segregation, and other institutions that systematically oppressed African Americans.

Donald Trump has, and will most likely continue to, make headlines for his prejudice and irresponsible comments. As the election draws closer, one can only wait and see what else the candidate will say over the next few weeks.

Featured Image via Flickr/Gage Skidmore

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