Lerner will not be held in Contempt for not Testifying
While the Justice Department has decided to not push for contempt charges against Lois Lerner regarding her actions with the IRS, republican representatives John Boehner feels that justice has not been made for crimes committed against Congress.
The Justice Department has decided to not push for the contempt of charges against Lois Lerner, which caused Boehner to bad mouth the Obama administration once again.
A representative for the republican senator states “Once again, the Obama administration has tried to sweep IRS targeting of taxpayers for their political beliefs under the rug.”
Lerner has chosen to not testify against herself by pleading the Fifth Amendment back in 2013 and 2014, where she stated, “I have not done anything wrong. I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations. And I have not provided false information to this or any other congressional committee.”
House republicans believe that she gave up that right by giving a statement that proved otherwise, but Ron Machen Jr., the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, defended Lerner saying she only gave statements defending her innocence.
Lerner’s attorney, William Taylor, says that Lerner never gave up her rights, saying, “Anyone who takes a serious and impartial look at this issue would conclude that Ms. Lerner did not waive her Fifth Amendment rights. It is unfortunate that the majority party in the House put politics before a citizen’s constitutional rights.”
Machen writes, “Thus, the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution would provide Ms. Lerner with an absolute defense should be prosecuted … for her refusal to testify.
Despite the fact that the conservative party believes that Lerner aided those in targeting the party through the IRS, Machen stated that he will not further any form of prosecution.
Featured photo – Bloomberg