Hacker Got 26 million Email Addresses and Phone Numbers from Ticketfly



Personal information from more than 26 million Ticketfly users has been leaked by hackers.

This information comes from Troy Hunt, creator of “Have I Been Pwned,” a website where people are able to check if their email addresses have been found in risky websites. The hacker who leaked the information uploaded the users’ data and personal information to a public server.

The info included the users’ names, phone numbers, and home addresses, alongside 26,151,608 email addresses. Although no credit card information has been found, the hacker has threatened to post this information as well.

Ticketfly reported that the hacker detected a security error on the website, and offered to fix it in exchange for one bitcoin from the company. Since they did not respond to him, he brought their website offline, from which the company has not fully recovered yet. They did involve third-party forensic experts to bring it back online.

They managed to give information to their users, yet their website and app services are still down. Their website, which was first taken down on last Wednesday, had the phrase “Your Security Down im Not Sorry” on it, alongside with an image of Guy Fawkes—the symbol for Anonymous. It is believed that the hacker started the intrusion of the website through the Ticketlfly blog.

The hacker was also able to find information and data from venues, festivals and artists who use the platform for their concerts and events. The site is being kept offline by Tickefly itself, while their investigations continue.

In face of these events, the company has encouraged the customers who have upcoming events to bring their ID and a printout of their tickets to the venues, for security reasons. It is also recommended to look out for updates on the shows, since they may change venues.


Featured Image via: Flickr/Christoph Scholz

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