Could Elizabeth Warren Be Hillary’s VP?



This morning, June 10, rumors flew that Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton were meeting in private to have a political discussion. Allegedly, the pair met at the Clinton house in Washington at roughly 10:45 this morning. Even the mention of this conversation stirred up rumors that Warren will be joining Clinton on her journey to the White House as her Vice President.

Elizabeth Warren has formerly endorsed Hillary Clinton, claiming that the Democratic front-runner could move mountains as the President of the United States. Her endorsement, as well as President Obama’s, Vice President Biden’s, and Senator (and her former competitor) Sander’s have all helped ensure that Hillary Clinton’s name will appear on the Democratic ballot come fall.

Though absolutely nothing is definite, Warren signing on as Clinton’s VP would mean yet another historic feat for American females. This January, the United States could very well see the first President of the United States – what could be better than her being flanked by the first Vice President as well?

This is not the first parlay that the two powerful females have had. Multiple sources confirm that Warren and Clinton have sat down on multiple occasions to discuss the ins and outs of American society and its issues.

Social media has been exploding with the possibility of two females in office. The feminist movement in particular is citing the 2016 Presidential Election as a victory for women everywhere, no matter who is inaugurated in January 2017. However, not all of the feedback is positive; unsurprisingly, the probable Republican nominee, Donald Trump, had some awful things to say. He took to Twitter to say, “Pocahontas is at it again! Goofy Elizabeth Warren, one of the least productive U.S. Senators, has a nasty mouth. Hope she is the V.P. choice.”

Here’s hoping she is! Elizabeth Warren is an eloquent politician with a powerful presence and the support of a demographic that Hillary Clinton might not have access to. Having Warren by her side could only benefit Clinton’s campaign.

Featured Image via Flickr/Ben Wikler

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