Canadian Ted Cruz Eligible for Candidacy



It has been decided that Ted Cruz is eligible for a presidential run, even though he was born in Canada. The Texas republican is technically “a natural born citizen” of the United States of America. It has been relatively vague what it was meant by a person being a “natural born citizen.” Typically, people have thought that it meant that if a person must have have been born in America in order to run for the presidency. According to The Harvard Law Review that this traditional definition isn’t quite correct. The article discusses that “an individual born to a U.S. citizen parent- whether in a California, Canada, or the Canal Zone- is a U.S. citizen.”

Cruz’s mother is from Delaware and his father was from Cuba, so according to what this article has defined as a “natural born citizen,” Cruz is within those guidelines. Cruz has also renounced his Canadian citizenship, so there is nothing stopping Cruz from pursuing the presidency. However, the likelihood of Cruz being the republican candidate is uncertain because of front runners Jeb Bush and Scott Walker who seem to be heading to primaries. If Cruz does become the republican candidate it may open a Pandora’s Box from from the Democrats.

This new definition of a “natural born citizen” would have been helpful to President Obama when the conservatives were demanding his birth certificate back in 2011. They wanted to have proof that Obama was an actual American citizen and if he was born in Kenya, like they had speculated, they would have called for his impeachment because he wouldn’t have had the proper credentials to be the president. Obama did eventually release his birth certificate to the public, probably so he wouldn’t have to hear about it anymore.

Now, here is a man who was actually born in a different country wants to pursue a run at the presidency.  It is interesting that there has been a new definition towards what it means to be a “natural born citizen.” If this was the definition back in 2011 during the Obama’s birth certificate controversy there wouldn’t have been a controversy. With this newer definition of being a citizen it would rule that Obama is an American citizen since his mother is from America, that is if he was actually from Kenya and not just his father. Maybe Donald Trump could have saved himself some time if this was true in 2011.

So, it will be interesting i if Cruz does get to be the republican candidate because someone would probably bring this up and how it was changed so recently in this instance. Perhaps an issue of racism?   Then again maybe the democrats won’t say anything about it and Cruz may not even be a contender for the presidency after all. It will only become more relevant during the primaries should Cruz become the nominee. Nothing is certain right now and everything is still pretty up in the air and even Cruz is only saying “stayed tuned.” Well, only time will tell.

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