Black Professor Apologizes, After Claims That White Men are the Problem for America’s College
Boston University’s African American sociology professor, Saida Grundy, is under much scrutiny after a tweet singling out white males as the “Problem for America’s colleges.”
This was just one of many anti-white tweets targeted at white males by Grundy, who has digressed that the genesis of such tweets stems from the racial tension and public disputes over black deaths and ‘accidental’ police shootings within the past few months, deeming race an, “unavoidable topic.”
Eventually, despite her strong stance on racial issues, she openly asserted anguish and remorsefulness about the comments, saying:
“I regret that my personal passion about issues surrounding these events, has led me to speak out about them indelicately. I deprived them of the nuance and complexity that such subjects always deserve.”
Meanwhile, on twitter, a slew of Grundy supporters and contenders faced off in 140 character battles, with some depicting Grundy as, “A racist professor” (@ClairleyParker, Twitter), and others, “Finding it deplorable that #SaidaGrundy has been labeled a racist and a bigot for speaking an inconvenient truth” (@raulspeaks, Twitter).
Boston University has attempted to take a neutral position on the matter, but has had president of Boston University, Robert Brown, convey “Concern and disappointment” about her tweets, but fully supports and acknowledges her right to publicly express her opinions.
An online petition has been constructed, giving signers the opportunity to either demand she be fired or keep her job. So far, as of Wednesday morning, the side supporting Grundy has over 2,000 signatories, while the side demanding she be fired has over 200 signatories. (CNN News)
Examples of some of Grundy’s tweets are:
“Why is white america so reluctant to identify white college males as a problem population?”
along with,
“Every MLK week i commit myself to not spending a dime in white-owned businesses. and every year i find it nearly impossible.”
My take? Why are white males the catalyst for conflict involving American University’s? Today we are experiencing a phenomenon referred to as ‘reverse racism’. How will a society such as ours continue to function if blame is always inherently placed on a specific race or ethnicity? The quest for equality is nowhere near complete, but has progressed quite a bit in a relatively short period of time. Just because a specific race has been traditionally persecuted by a select few individuals belonging to another race, does not justify blaming all individuals belonging to that race. Why encapsulate all white males as the problem for American colleges and institutes? I’ve personally never met Saida Grundy, but she seems confident enough in her argument to inexplicably blame me as a white male for the trials of others.