Bill Nye “The Science Guy” Lashes out Against Trump’s Paris Accord Decision



After Donald Trump’s decision to pull the U.S. from the Paris climate accord, Bill Nye “The Science Guy” issued a stark warning about the risky choice.

The author, TV host and science advocate claimed that people have to make wise choices now in regards to dealing with the climate in order to protect future generations, who will possibly be forced to flee coastal locations one day once the waters rise enough.

“Climate change affects us tomorrow,” Nye said. “Climate change affects everyone in the world because we all share the air. You can’t build a border wall against carbon dioxide emissions. The time to get to work on this is right now.”

Pulling from the historic climate deal was a large part of Trump’s presidential campaign, as he aimed to increase a surplus of jobs for the American people. However, Nye claimed renewable energy would lead to three million new jobs.

“When you look even at conservative states, Oklahoma gets 20 percent of its energy from the wind,” he said. “Texas gets 10 percent. Iowa is now getting 25 percent of its electricity from the wind. That’s the future. And that’s where we want the United States to lead.”

On Thursday, Nye tweeted a photograph of himself at a protest outside the White House in favor of the Paris climate agreement.

“The demonstration began after today’s announcement,” he tweeted. “People are concerned about the lack of US leadership jeopardizing the whole planet.”

In a separate tweet, Nye criticized Trump’s decision by referring to the withdrawal as being not just a loss for Americans, but everyone on earth.

“U.S. chooses not stay in Paris accord,” he said. “The “Losers?” Everyone on Earth. Sad.”

Protestors aligned the White House gates on Thursday in opposition to Trump’s ultimate conclusion.

Trump, on the other hand, felt he was protecting America by withdrawing from the deal.

“In order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris climate accord,” he said at the White House Rose Garden.

He also believed that the climate deal was “very unfair at the highest level to the United States” and said it unfairly impacted U.S. workers.

“The Paris climate accord is simply the latest example of Washington entering into an agreement that disadvantages the United States to the exclusive benefit of other countries, leaving American workers — who I love — and taxpayers to absorb the cost in terms of lost jobs, lower wages, shuttered factories and vastly diminished economic productions,” Trump said.

Featured Image via Gage Skidmore

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